Wayne is always nipping down to the corner shop for him 韦恩总是一溜烟跑到街角商店找他。
The corner shop is convenient if you forget to get something in town, although you pay through the nose for anything you buy there. 如果你在镇上忘了买什么,在这个拐角商店里可非常方便地买到,不过价钱要贵很多。
Ah! yes, at the corner of a street; I can see the shop. 啊,对,在一条街的拐角上,我想起那铺子了。
Imagine a corner shop that is not doing well. At best it cannot provide its owner with a minimum standard of living. At worst it cannot even cover its costs and is kept going by loans and donations from relations, friends and well-wishers. 假设一家街角小店生意不好,那么最好的情况是,它只是无法帮店主满足最低生活标准,而最糟糕的情况是,它入不敷出,只能靠贷款以及亲戚朋友和好心人的捐助运营。
A particular kind of walking. Not the distance between porch and corner shop. But a more aimless pursuit. 一种特殊的行走方式,不是从家门口走到街角的商店,而是一种漫无目的的行动。
State lawmakers in2009 altered existing liquor laws in a way that lessened the financial burden on small distilleries, paving the way for the Dark Corner Distillery to set up shop. 2009年州立法部修改了酿酒法,减轻了小型酿酒作坊的财务负担,也为暗角酿酒坊的实现扫清了道路。
I bought a pack of green tea in the corner shop. 我在住宅区附近的小卖铺买了一包绿茶。
We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks. 我们走到了一个拐角处的一间麦芽店,坐在两个转动椅上喝着我们的饮料。
I have a letter from the people who used to own the corner shop. 我收到从前街角那家商店的老板寄来的一封信。
The icing on the cake came last year, when Forgas published perhaps his most intriguing study to date, one that took place in a corner shop not far from his office on the campus of the University of New South Wales. 点睛之笔来自福加斯去年发表的研究报告。这项或许是他迄今最令人感兴趣的研究,是在一家街头小店展开的,离他在新南威尔士大学校园里的办公室不远。
You get a much bigger choice of things at a supermarket than you do at the local corner shop. 你在超市比在当地街头小店购物选择的范围大得多。
Friends of mine, husband and wife, once argued over the price of a branded packet of lemon slices bought at some convenient corner shop or petrol station. 有一次,我朋友俩口子围绕在街边便利店或加油站购买的一包品牌柠檬片价格展开了争论。
She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop. 她很难得冒险外出,除非要去街角商店置办食品杂货。
At a corner of Sixth Avenue he saw a brightly-lit shop window. 在第六大街的拐角处,他看到了个灯火通明的橱窗。
She can cash it at the corner sweet shop. 她就可以在街角的糖果店兑现了。
The corner shop owner knew who liked a particular brand of jam and kept it in stock for them. 街角小店的店主知道哪些顾客喜欢某个特定品牌的果酱,因此会为他们留一些货。
You can buy string, glue, paper-clips and suchlike items at the corner shop. 在街角小店里可以买到细绳、胶水、回形针之类的东西。
We prefer the small corner shop to the large supermarket. 与大型超级市场相比,我们更喜欢那家拐角小商店。
It is not a difficult trade to learn and the large chain-stores can never force the small bookseller out of existence as they have done to the corner shop. 学习不是一个困难的贸易,而且当他们已经做到角落商店的时候,大的连锁商店能由于存在不再强迫小的书商。
He sees government finances as akin to those of a corner shop whose outgoings must not exceed its incomings – the difference being that cost-cutting by the shopkeeper is unlikely to affect the prosperity of his customers. 在他看来,政府就像某个街角小商店一样,支出绝不能超过收入。二者的区别就在于,商店老板削减成本,不大可能会影响顾客们的荷包。
The lesson from Britain is that once the debate about Europe is framed in terms of entries in the ledger of a corner shop, the battle is lost. 来自英国的教训是,一旦用小店式的斤斤计较来框定关于欧洲的辩论,这场战斗就输了。
They live in a remote corner of scotland, miles from the nearest shop. 他们住在苏格兰的一个偏僻的角落,离最近的商店也要好几英里。
He's gone down to the corner shop to get some milk. 他到街角的那家商店去买牛奶。
They all looked at a big and noisy machine in another corner of the machine shop. 他们全都看着机械车间另一角落的一台又大又嘈杂的机器。那台机器发出许多噪音。
The customer was on the telephone in the corner of the shop. 那名客人正在店里的角落讲电话。
I'll just pop my coat on and go to the corner shop. 我很快地穿上外套,前往那拐角上的商店。
Street food culture is a way of living in Malaysia. You can buy string, glue, paper-clips and suchlike ( items) at the corner shop. 对自小在马来西亚长大的我,街边小食是生活中很重要的一部分。在街角小店里可以买到细绳、胶水、回形针之类的东西。
Our little corner shop is no longer a paying concern, ie is no longer profitable. 我们这个街头小店已赚不到钱了。